Πέμπτη, 20 Ιουνίου 2019 12:55

Oasis City - the next generation VR platform with blockchain technology (video)

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In the 1990s, the emergence of the Internet marked the third (3rd) industrial revolution and lead to the creation of society of information.

Today, we witness the fourth (4) industrial revolution, which started with the creation of Blockchain technology and virtual reality.

Blockchain technology is an information chain, in which data linked together in interlocking blocks, follow a sequence, making them practically unchanged and unambiguously by all nodes that have participated in the process of this chain. Virtual reality is a digital environment in which the user can participate in it, in real time, and in which he can interfere with his movements and actions.

The combination and interaction between blockchain technology and virtual reality, according to scientists, is expected to lead to revolutionary results that will be widely applied to people's lives and in areas such as entertainment, education and medicine.

The Oasis City platform is the result of using special virtual reality software and technology. It's main goal is the user to enjoy a wide variety of virtual reality content at his home, visiting stores around the world, regardless their location. Every economic function in Oasis City is based on an economical pricing system using blockchain technology. The Oasis City (OSC) cryptocurrency will be used for all the economic activities taking place on the platform and the pricing system.

Oasis City users can enjoy games and buy or sell products and commodities used in everyday life with their OSC coins on the platform. In addition, viewers will be able to enjoy the realistic experience of walking, riding, running and touching, satisfying all roaming sensations in a space similar to that of first person shooter (FPS) games.

The aforementioned will be implemented through specialized, but user-friendly, special software. This software consists of a virtual reality controller and a high-quality tracksuit ("OS Suit"). The outfit is able to record fine movements, such as tip and finger movements, to provide extremely detailed content.

In this context, four (4) hubs will operate on the Oasis City platform.

The first one (1st) is shopping, in which users can try out and buy products. In addition, they will be able to shape their avatars to imitate their actual shape and size so they can test products that will be delivered to the real world.

Second (2nd) is the hub of entertainment. In the entertainment center, users, whether creators or consumers will be able to enter the entertainment market and create products regardless their social status, financial status, age or appearance.

Third (3rd) hub is that of games. In today's society where interactive online games are already an established reality, the gaming experience will be upgraded to the Oasis City ecosystem. With the combination of high-definition content and motion tracking technology, users will be able to experience the game experience as if they were in a real environment.

Fourth (4th) hub is that of education. Through interaction and direct contact with educational material, the user will be able to visualize the knowledge, become a participant and experientially comprehend the information he receives.

In addition, Oasis City's ecosystem will operate a marketplace where users can freely trade and sell assets. Oasis City Marketplace will support PC and Mobile platforms to make it widely reachable to all users.
The Crypto Monster game is already available in the Oasis City ecosystem, while the Oasis City (OSC) cryptocurrency is available to buy and sale at an electronic currency exchange, succeeding in its first month of circulation a net rise of more than 2,000%*.

Do not miss the chance to enter the world of virtual reality!

* According to CoinGecko cryptocurrency price list. Accessed on 6/6/2019.

For more information: https://www.oasiscity.io/en/, https://discord.gg/SY2kKsa, https://t.me/oasiscity_global, https://t.me/joinchat/H-M0ZUiB9UvsjQNpm3b5FA.

A presentation of Oasis City project by Zynga's Co - founder and Oasis City advisor Eric Schiermeyer:

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